Naswar is a smokeless tobacco (ST) usually containing powdered tobacco, slaked lime and indigo. It is used by sniffing (nasally) or 'dipping' (placing a pinch under the tongue or in the cheek where it is stored).
Naswar is made from fresh tobacco leaves, calcium oxide and wood ash.

Naswar is a mixture of sun-dried, sometimes only partially cured, powdered local tobacco, ash, oil, flavouring agents (eg cardamom, menthol), colouring agents (indigo or yellow) and lime or calcium carbonate, water and guar gum. Ammonium chloride is added as a preservative and to give it bite. It is usually sold in round or square plastic packets held with a rubber band to keep it from exposure to the air. A single packet costs Rs10 and can yield up 20 pinches. Unlike chewing tobacco, naswar is taken as a pinch and packed into the jowl. It used to come in special steel snuff boxes but those are rare these days. The tins would come fixed with a vanity mirror men used if they wanted to fix their comb-over.

Side effects[edit]

The major side effect of using naswar is addiction, and it becomes difficult to get rid of it. It is also increasingly known that naswar often causes oral and throat cancer.

Naswar is available in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and South Africa.2 In Northern Pakistan, the most commonly consumed ST is Naswar,4 with green, grey (or black) and red variants. Whilst Naswar is reported as available in England.

who invented?
       - Quora. Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal. Manikchand Group is a group of industries in India that primarily started out as a company that produced chewable tobacco products called 'Gutka'.
Gutka contain nicotine:
        Gutka contains nicotine and many harmful, cancer-causing chemicals. Using it can lead to nicotine addiction and can cause cancers of the lip, mouth, tongue, throat, and esophagus. Also called betel quid with tobacco.


Gutka is a commercially produced form of smokeless tobacco. Manufacturers add sweet or savory flavors, making it more appealing to women and young people in some locations. The combinations of gutka ingredients vary according to local preferences. Spices may include mustard, turmeric, anise seeds, cardamom, saffron and cloves.In addition to areca nut, nicotine, slaked lime, paraffin and catechu, it can be laced with thousands of chemicals. It is a powdery, granular, light brownish to white substance. Within moments of chewing mixing with saliva, the gutkha begins to dissolve and turn deep red in colour. It may impart upon its user a "buzz" somewhat more intense than that of tobacco chewing, snuffing and smoking.


34.4% of smokers have switched to smokeless tobacco use as way to quit. In addition to cancer of the head, mouth, neck, throat, oesophagus, other aerodigestive tract cancers, and dental disease areca nut, the main ingredient in gutka is known to cause severe oral mucosal disorders. Oral submucous fibrosis, one such disorder, is a malignant condition that is severely debilitating and has no cure. Metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes and obesity have also been linked to its use. Use by pregnant women increases the risk of low birth rates in newborns.As of 2015 it was the fourth most common addictive product worldwide. Areca nut "quid chewing has claimed to produce a sense of well being, euphoria, warm sensations of the body, sweating, salivation, palpitation and heightened alertness, tolerance to hunger, and increased capacity and stamina to work." When a person chews gutka, the mixture directly enters the system through the oral cavity, which absorbs about 28 carcinogenic chemicals including nicotine.

Weed: dried flowers of the cannabis/marijuana plant with endogenous psychoactive compounds called cannabinoids that form on the surface of the flowers and some leaves in the form of small, sticky crystal-like growth called trichomes.

Hash: any extract from the cannabis plant that concentrates the trichomes and results in an end product in a solid state. By either chemical or mechanical means, the trichomes ( normally attached to the plant) are removed and collected together and pressed to form a concentrate of cannabinoids.

Charas: a specific type of hash, the only one which is made from a live plant. Exclusive to the Indian subcontinent, in this process, the laborer rubs the flowers of the cannabis plant in his palms. The agitation dislodged the trichomes which get stuck to his palm. As this process is repeated for multiple plants, a thick layer of sticky trichomes and minimal plant matter begins to collect on the palms and aggregate. After sometime, this aggregate is removed from the palms and the process is repeated. This aggregate is charas.


Hashish has been used across the Indian subcontinent for medicinal and religious purposes for thousands of years,[3] and was sold in government shops (along with opium) during the times of the British India and in independent India until the 1980s (marijuana and bhang is still being sold in parts of Kpk Pakistan Afghanistan and Rajasthan, India).
 charas was made illegal in India under pressure from the United States in the 1980s and severe sentences were introduced for cultivation and trafficking of charas. Even the mere possession had a mandatory ten-year prison sentence. These laws have been relaxed, but charas remains a popular medium for police to extort money from consumers of the drug.


High quality hashish in India comes from cannabis grown in the mountains. The variety from Himachal Pradesh is considered to be of the highest quality throughout India. It is easily available in Kinnaur, Shimla, Karsog, Kumarsain, Barot, Kullu-Malana & Rampur Bushahr; practically every area in Himachal Pradesh. For this reason, the Indian subcontinent has become very popular with backpackers and drug smugglers.

Mixtures with tobacco

Charas can be smoked mixed with cigarette tobacco and rolled back into the cigarette blank.[5] Rolling paper is also used to smoke charas. Charas with tobacco mixture is filled into the rolling paper to make a joint.

Benefits of vaping

1. It’s safer than smoking: Just ask the Royal College of Physicians. They’re a prestigious organization representing over 35,000 doctors worldwide. They have stated that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking based on their extensive research.
 That means better oral hygiene, skin health, circulation, lung capacity and an improved sense of smell and taste.

2. No noxious odors: One of the biggest advantages of vaping is that you and your environment won’t smell of smoke. Vaping may have an aroma from the flavors used, but it’s not the smoke from dead tobacco leaves.

3. Control over nicotine intake: Vaping gives you full control over your nicotine dosage. E-juice is available in a variety of strengths, ranging from nicotine-free to high-strength nicotine. You can choose exactly how much nicotine is in your vape.

4. Control over vapor output: A major advantage of vaping is having control over the amount of vapor you exhale. Smaller devices like pod vapes are designed for convenience and low vapor, whereas the high-powered mods are better suited for cloud chasing.

5. Flavors for every palate: When it comes to flavors, there are virtually endless options to choose in in e-juice. There are also new flavors being created all the time, so you’ll never run out of new ones to try. Some of the more popular favorites include fruit, desserts, beverages, foods, menthol, and tobacco.

6. Instant satisfaction: The convenience factor is high with vapes due to how quickly you can silence cravings. Although advanced vapes may require initial tinkering, lots come prefilled and are ready for immediate use. 

7. Price points for every wallet: There is a vapor product out there for you, no matter what your budget is. The vaping market has expanded in the last past few years and competition is plentiful. There are a wide range of products in every price range—from disposable e-cigs, to sophisticated vape mods and top-shelf e-liquids. If you’ have less than ten dollars to spend, you can still find a vape that’s ready for immediate use.
8. No experience needed: Yes, there are some more advanced products out there, but there are also many that cater to the rank beginner. There are countless options that require no prior experience. Devices like pod vapes 
9. Wide access and availability: Vaping is much more accessible than when it first started. Today you can find vapor products in your local convenience stores, gas stations, smoke shops and of course, vape shops.

Cons of vaping

1. Overwhelming options: There’s almost unlimited choices in equipment, e-liquid, and even vaping styles. It can be hard to process, especially compared to the relative ease of choosing a cigarette brand and lighting up. 

2. Technology learning curve: Not only is the market saturated, a lot of the devices are for hobbyists. Although advanced hardware is not for beginners, much of the information on the internet focuses on it. 

3. Youthful perception: Depending on your area, the legal age to buy vapes is either 18 or 21 years old since the enactment of Tobacco 21 laws. But that’s just the minimum age requirement. 

4. Cumulative costs: Like other consumable based products, vaping requires repeat purchases. No matter how your device is designed, e-liquid will always need to be replenished. The price of e-liquid and quantity it’s sold in varies. 

5. Stigma of nicotine: Nicotine is a lightweight as drugs go. It’s a mild stimulant that also paradoxically relaxes the user. But because its history is inevitably tied to smoking — which is a highly dangerous delivery mechanism—nicotine has a bad name. Many people don’t distinguish between nicotine and smoking. Most people don’t know the facts about nicotine, so it’s advisable to arm yourself with the truth.

6. Uncertain health risks: The most long-term study on vaping is 3.5 years. It showed no negative health effects from its participants. Unfortunately, there’s no longer-term research beyond that. Because vaping is a new phenomenon, barely a decade old, it’s impossible to have truly long-term data. If you vape, you’re taking a risk that some serious hazard might be discovered in the future. But if you’re using vaping to stay off cigarettes, you can at least rest easier knowing that you’ve distanced yourself from the well-documented dangers of smoking.

7. Scary headlines: There are lots of myths and rumors about vaping perpetuated in the news. Some of them have a kernel of truth, some are just made up. Some headlines may be true but are isolated cases made to look like an epidemic. 

8. Treated like smoking: Vaping looks like smoking, and both can provide nicotine for those who want it. Aside from that, they have little in common. When you light a cigarette, you’re incinerating dead tobacco and inhaling the smoke, which is full of tar and carbon monoxide that damage your lungs and cardiovascular system. 

9. FDA regulations and rules: The FDA was given regulatory authority over cigarettes and tobacco in the 2009 Tobacco Control Act. That Congressional act also gave the FDA the ability to define new products as tobacco if they contain “nicotine derived from tobacco.” Oddly enough, even for e-liquid that has zero nicotine, the FDA requires a disclaimer that the product does contain it. That’s how the FDA “deemed” vaping products and e-liquid (and their components and parts) to be tobacco products in 2016, no matter the actual contents. The “Deeming Rule” allows the agency to approve or deny which products can be sold, and that process is just beginning.

Every person change his life style according to time .I know its bitter truth change life style change the world .world never change the people leaving in the world modified live style,for this purpose to made new innovations in the previous products and machinery .Sheesha is also modified from hookah for batter life style  but this life style only locking good but more harmful effect for human and the smoke of this also produce denaturation of greenness and hookah is less bad than sheesha it easily damage the liver and also cause cancer.