Thinking about naswar

Naswar is a smokeless tobacco (ST) usually containing powdered tobacco, slaked lime and indigo. It is used by sniffing (nasally) or 'dipping' (placing a pinch[....]

About Gutka

who invented?        - Quora. Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal. Manikchand Group is a group of industries in India that primarily started out as a company that[....]

What is the difference between Weed, Charas and Hash?

Weed: dried flowers of the cannabis/marijuana plant with endogenous psychoactive compounds called cannabinoids that form on the surface of the flowers and some leaves in the form of small, sticky crystal-like growth called trichomes. Hash: any extract from the cannabis plant that concentrates[....]

About Chars

History Hashish has been used across the Indian subcontinent for medicinal and religious purposes for thousands of years,[3] and was sold in government shops (along[....]

9 Pros and Cons of Vaping You Need to Know

Benefits of vaping 1. It’s safer than smoking: Just ask the Royal College of Physicians. They’re a prestigious organization representing over 35,000 doctors worldwide.[....]

Traditional hookah modified into Sheesha

Every person change his life style according to time .I know its bitter truth change life style change the world .world never change the people leaving in the world modified live[....]

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