About Gutka

who invented?
       - Quora. Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal. Manikchand Group is a group of industries in India that primarily started out as a company that produced chewable tobacco products called 'Gutka'.
Gutka contain nicotine:
        Gutka contains nicotine and many harmful, cancer-causing chemicals. Using it can lead to nicotine addiction and can cause cancers of the lip, mouth, tongue, throat, and esophagus. Also called betel quid with tobacco.


Gutka is a commercially produced form of smokeless tobacco. Manufacturers add sweet or savory flavors, making it more appealing to women and young people in some locations. The combinations of gutka ingredients vary according to local preferences. Spices may include mustard, turmeric, anise seeds, cardamom, saffron and cloves.In addition to areca nut, nicotine, slaked lime, paraffin and catechu, it can be laced with thousands of chemicals. It is a powdery, granular, light brownish to white substance. Within moments of chewing mixing with saliva, the gutkha begins to dissolve and turn deep red in colour. It may impart upon its user a "buzz" somewhat more intense than that of tobacco chewing, snuffing and smoking.


34.4% of smokers have switched to smokeless tobacco use as way to quit. In addition to cancer of the head, mouth, neck, throat, oesophagus, other aerodigestive tract cancers, and dental disease areca nut, the main ingredient in gutka is known to cause severe oral mucosal disorders. Oral submucous fibrosis, one such disorder, is a malignant condition that is severely debilitating and has no cure. Metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes and obesity have also been linked to its use. Use by pregnant women increases the risk of low birth rates in newborns.As of 2015 it was the fourth most common addictive product worldwide. Areca nut "quid chewing has claimed to produce a sense of well being, euphoria, warm sensations of the body, sweating, salivation, palpitation and heightened alertness, tolerance to hunger, and increased capacity and stamina to work." When a person chews gutka, the mixture directly enters the system through the oral cavity, which absorbs about 28 carcinogenic chemicals including nicotine.


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